Introducing Hepta AI: AI-powered statistics for scientific research. Join waitlist

Introducing Hepta AI.

AI-powered statistics for research.

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Introducing Hepta AI.

AI-powered statistics for research.

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write science

powered by AI is an AI for scientific writing. Get AI suggestions, find relevant papers, translate your text, and more.

Trusted by 15k+ scientists worldwide

Trusted by 10k+
scientists worldwide

Trusted by 10k+
scientists worldwide

Trusted by 10k+
scientists worldwide

Get scientific suggestions based on your input

Get scientific suggestions based on your input

Get scientific suggestions based on your input

Get scientific suggestions based on your input

Get scientifically sound suggestions based on your input and targeted keywords for the perfect piece of content. Every time.

Get scientifically sound suggestions based on your input and targeted keywords for the perfect piece of content. Every time.

Get scientifically sound suggestions based on your input and targeted keywords for the perfect piece of content. Every time.

Write, and then, cite ✍️

Write, and then, cite ✍️

Enter your text and let us extract keywords, then quickly search Pubmed for the best citations.

Enter your text and let us extract keywords, then quickly search Pubmed for the best citations.

Enter your text and let us extract keywords, then quickly search Pubmed for the best citations.

No english? No problem 🌎

No english? No problem 🌎

No english? No problem 🌎

No english? No problem 🌎

Make your science accessible to a global audience. Simply enter your text and let us transform it into scientifically precise English.

Always write the right way ✅

Always write the right way ✅

Eliminate barriers with our AI-powered English correction tool for nearly flawless writing that guarantees understanding by reviewers and colleagues.

Eliminate barriers with our AI-powered English correction tool for nearly flawless writing that guarantees understanding by reviewers and colleagues.

Eliminate barriers with our AI-powered English correction tool for nearly flawless writing that guarantees understanding by reviewers and colleagues.

Reviewed and supported by the best

Reviewed and supported
by the best

Reviewed and supported
by the best

Reviewed and supported by the best




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Unlimited AI suggestions

500 charcters per prompt

500 chararacters per prompt

✨ Magic Mode

🧙🏽‍♂️ StatWizard (coming soon)

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Unlimited AI suggestions

500 characters per prompt

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🧙🏽‍♂️ StatWizard (coming soon)

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From our blog

Writing a scientific article: A step-by-step guide for beginners

Learn how to craft a powerful contribution to science.

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How to use AI to write your literature review

Use AI to gather references and complete senetences for you.

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The Best Free Research Title Generator Tools

Choose among the best AI tools for title generarion

Read More

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Create an account in less than a minute, confirm your email address and enjoy! Now you can write better scientific works with our AI-powered platform

Create an account in less than a minute, confirm your email address and enjoy! Now you can write better scientific works with our AI-powered platform

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